“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
~ Coco Chanel
Most fly rod makers try to cover all the disciplines and offer a wide range of tapers and options to choose from.
I have a different philosophy and approach, and make no attempt to be all things to all fly fishermen. Instead, I have chosen to simplify and only offer three rod models.
Each rod is painstakingly handcrafted to be an exquisite example of a proven taper which has been designed specifically for the type of fly fishing that I prefer to do: Dry Fly Fishing.
If this approach resonates with you, please explore the models available and the aesthetic options you can select to personalize it.
Or (if you prefer) just keep it simple and click the button below to be added to the current waiting list. We can always work out the elegant options later.

Rod Models
A single Three Weight, and a pair of Four Weight fly rods specifically designed for dry fly fishing.

Aesthetic Options
Explore the options you can use to personalize the rod model you select.